Overview of Kenya's Job Market

There were 37034 jobs posted between 2016-09-07 and 2019-06-14 on jobmag Kenya. According to the chart below, 2019 has witnessed decrease in jobs posted.

Unsurprisingly, most of the top posters were recruitment agencies. Here are the recruitment and non-recruitment firms with highest number of posts:

In terms of number of jobs posted, Safaricom led the pack of non-recruitment organizations followed by Public Service Commission and Save the Children.A quick look at Safaricom posts shows that ICT/Engineering, Sales & Marketing, Administration, Finance/Accounting and Customer Care formed the bulk of its job posts.

When the job posts are classified according to the industry of the poster/employer, NGOs and the Government emerge as the top posters. Recruitment firms contribute to the Consulting Industry high rank.

The NGOs that posted a significant number of jobs include:

2718 jobs were posted by the Central Government and parastatals while 1610 jobs were posted by county governments.

The top 10 job fields are:

I was curious about data related jobs. I used the following keywords to filter job titles related data functions: data, machine learning, deep learning, artificial intelligence and statistic. Data analyst was the most common job title in this category and NGOs posted the highest number of data-related jobs.

The data and code is here.

Tools used:

  • python to scrape data
  • r to clean, analyse and visualize data
  • OpenRefine to clean data

Data source: jobmag Kenya


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